Awaken Your Day: Nourish Your Soul with a Spiritually Infused Morning Routine

Awaken Your Day: Nourish Your Soul with a Spiritually Infused Morning Routine

Hey Beautiful,

Ever wake up and feel like you're chasing the day instead of embracing it? I get it. Life can seem like a whirlwind, and often it feels like we're caught in the storm. But what if I told you that a key to regaining a sense of calm is the gentle art of crafting a morning routine that speaks to your spirit?

For me, the best part of waking up in the morning is the freedom I feel when I allow myself to wake up naturally. There’s something completely magical about choosing for myself and not letting all of the have too's and should do's take over and control me.

Sometimes it's early in the morning where the sunrise and silence is my good morning hello and sometimes its late in the morning cuddling in bed with my husband and surrounding myself with the warmth and comfort of my duvet.

My favourite days happen when I allow myself the freedom to listen to my body and my own innate wisdom and follow what's presenting for me.

What I am saying might seem completely opposite of what we have been taught. But here is the thing, if you want to live a thriving and joy filled life, than that includes listening to your guidance during all parts of your day.

With that being said, it doesn’t mean their aren’t some gentle nudges you can do for yourself to break you out of your unwanted patterns and into a flowy and more ease filled day.

Developing your inspired morning routine can not only boost your personal success but also nurture the very essence of your being. So here are some helpful tips as you create your very own uniquely inspired morning routine.

1. Ease into the Dawn: A dance of slow unfolding begins with tenderness. No need for abrupt changes. If your goal is to naturally get up earlier, then start by greeting the day just 15 minutes earlier than your usual waking hour. Let your spirit acclimate gradually. I know that when I get up earlier in my day, I am so excited that I actually did it and giving myself that special nourishing me-time is vital for creating a beautiful start to my day.

2. Embrace the Sacred Sleep: There's magic in the alchemy of sleep. To rise earlier, allow yourself the gift of going to sleep just a bit earlier. Let your evenings be a tranquil prelude to a restful night like reading a good book or playing soft music, setting the stage for a morning filled with more flow.

3. Rise with Intent: I get it, not all of us can lounge in bed till noon. But hey, waking up to a blaring alarm; not for me either. Set your alarm to play a soft and tranquil tune and keep it a bit away. Declare before bedtime that you want to wake up gently, and you'll see, your body will start doing just that. Soon enough, you might even beat the alarm's morning melody.

4. My Wake Up Ritual: On days when the battle between my mind and body plays out, I take a moment for some deep, nourishing breaths. It's my way of reconnecting with my Real Self. Then, I make a conscious decision to kick-start my day by heading to the sacred restroom space – a simple act that grounds me in the now. By the time I have attended to these morning rites, the call to return to bed usually dissipates. Try this and you'll be ready to flow into the rhythm of your day.

5. Purposeful Preparations: Plan your morning routine ahead, create your own personal roadmap for success. Choose something meaningful to kickstart your day, when I have given myself enough time, I like to soak in my hot tub and journal- breathing in the fresh morning air. What can you choose to help nudge you out of bed and into your flowy day.

6. The Harmony of Consistent Practice: Create a routine that feels right for you. Let the repetition be a grounding force, a kind of meditation that makes your mornings sacred. In this rhythm, enjoy your connection to all that is.

Allow your mornings be a canvas for spiritual growth, a space where you commune with the Universe and set the tone for a day filled with flow.

As you weave some or all of these suggestions into your morning routine, remember, this is your journey. Let these considerations be gentle whispers, guiding you toward a ritual that aligns with your unique spirit. Your mornings are not just a new day; they're a canvas upon which you get to create your unique and joy filled life.

With so much love,



Navigating Your Spiritual Awakening Journey: Embracing the Shift to Your Real Self